Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My current goal in life

I recently had a bit of time for myself. Often I just laz around. But when chose to self reflect instead, I realized what I want in life more than anything ..... more than a good job, great vacation, house, car ....... is that I want to be happy. Happy for no apparent reason. It might sound like an easy thing to do. But its not.

In a given moment, there may be so many things which bothers you. Everyday is so stressful, its so hard to feel peaceful. And if you think about it, there might actually be some serious problems - related to your family, health, work, finances - in which case, it is difficult to be anywhere near happy. Life is no fairy tale and we should learn to live happily with it no matter what.

Wish I knew how to achieve that instantly. But I don't. I'll share that once I'm sure I'm Happy (most of the time)!

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